Extended Practice Sessions
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This is an opportunity for new and experienced practitioners to extend their sitting and it can be a good step in preparing to sit part or all of a 7-day sesshin. We are asking for a donation of $10 per participant for the sitting.
Schedule for Four Hour Practice Session:
9:30AM Arrive
(If anyone wants to check in with Shotai about her or his practice, please hand her a note during brunch indicating you would like to talk to her during one of the zazen periods before or after the teisho.)
9:45-11:30 Chanting and zazen
9:45-10:20 Monastic Chant Service.
10:20-10:30 kinhin
10:30-11:30 zazen with bell for position change at 11:00
(bell to end sitting, then 3 clapper strikes)
11:30-12:00 Brunch (bring your own)
(11:50 a small mokugyu will sound to indicate clean up and get seated)
12:00-2:00 Zazen and Teisho
12:00-12:25 zazen
12:30-12:35 kinhin
12:35-1:10 teisho (when the recording begins, Mitra Bishop Roshi will start with the Opening of the Dharma and participants will join in)
1:10-1:15 kinhin
1:15-2:00 zazen with bell for position change at 11:40)
1:30-2:00 Closing chanting ceremony followed by refreshments
Closing Chants
Enmei jukko kannon gyo
Dai E Zenji’s Vow for Awakening
Return of Merit
Four Bodhisattva Vows